Maggys Celtic Page - The gods of the celts
the gods of the celts


The gods of the continental celts

Fire Taranis
Tree Esus
Sword Teutates
Light Belenus
Ancestors Sucellos
Hunt Smertullus
Stick Bormanus
Word Ogmios

The godesses of the continental celts

Sky Rigani
Moon Sirona
Fillhorn Rosmerta
Horse Epona
House Nantosvelta
Skull Herecura
Stick Damona
Baby Die drei Muetter

Gods of the Treverer-clan

Weapons Loucetius and Nemetona
Stick Lenus


TARANIS - the Thunderer

Taranis - thunderer and Blitzeschleuderer is the gallish skygod. Also
he is the god of the fire and the lord of the Underworld. As the main
god of the continental celts, the romans associated him often with their
Jupiter. His symbols are on the side of the flash and the fire, the wheel
as a symbol for the sun which is reigned by him aswell.

Taranis wife is the queen of the sky Rigani, he shares with the nature-
and underworldgod Esus during the circle of the year.

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ESUS - the Treecutter

Esus is the gallish version of the irish god Cernunnos. He is the god of
the nature and the growing, aswell as the underworld as far as these is
related to the plants and the roots. e reigns over the trees, the animals,
everything that grows on and under the earth. He lifes partly on and under
the earth, watching over plants and their roots. Pictures show him cutting
down a tree with an axe. In his function as a god of the hunt, Esus is shown
horned like Cernunnos.

The wife of Esus aswell as Taranis is the queen of the sky Rigani.

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TEUTATES - the God of the War

Teutates is the god of the war and the protector of the continental celts. He
also is named as "the good god", because of protecting the clans against their
enemies and giving the win in a fight - and with this the treasures of the enemy.
His symbols are the horns of the ram and the boar.

Like he protects the clans, he also protects the queen of the sky Rigani against
Taranis rage during the time she goes to Esus under the earth. In this function
he is supported by Smertulus as the watcher of the underworld.

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BELENUS - the god of the light

Belenus is the god of the light, the water and the healing. The romans associated
him with theit god Apoll. For his honesty the Beltane-fest is celebrated every year.

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SUCELLOS - the god of the ancestors

Sucellos, the god with the hammer, is the god of the ancestors and the otherworld. He
reigns the forces of life and death, the treasures of the earth and the fruitfulness.
He often is shown with the godess Nantosvelta on his side, who protects the homes of
the ancestors in the otherworld.

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SMERTULLUS - the hunter

Smertullus protects the godess Rigani in the underworld against the rage of Taranis.
He is the hunter hunting the deer as a sacrifice to bring the god Cernunnos as Esus
back to the earth.

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BORMANUS - the god of healing

On the side of the godess Damona Bormanus is the god of the springs and of the healing.
He is the force that makes the water of the springs cooking and boiling so that it comes
out the earth.

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OGMIOS - the god of the word

Ogmios is the god of the word and the poetry. His symbols are the club, the quiver and
the bow. On pictures the people follow him chained on the tip of his tongue. This is a
symbol for the power of the talken word and the adjuration.

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RIGANI - the queen of the sky

Rigani - the queen of the sky is in the same way the wife of the skygod Taranis and
the naturegod Esus. The legend says that Esus takes Rigani from Taranis, brings her
to the underworld and marries her there. Since this times every year she goes down
to Esus to the underworld in the night of the 24. to 25. Dezember to come back to the
sky again 3 months later.

So she rules the circle of the seasons during the year, which ends with her going to
the underworld to restart with her coming back to the sky.

Rigani also is the godess of trade and artwork. She gives the treasures of the earth.
The romans associated her with Minerva and in the irish celtic religion she is equal
to the light- and skygodess Brigit.

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SIRONA - the godess of the night

Sirona is the godess of the sky in the night, the fruitfulness, regeneration und health.
She watches over the springs and reigns the death and the reincarnation. Her symbols are
the moonsickle, the egg and the snake.

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ROSMERTA - the godess of richness

Rosmerta is the godess of the richness and the fullness. She gives the money and the
richness of the earth. Her symbols are the fillhorn and the purse.

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EPONA - die Pferdegoettin

Epona is the godess of the horses. She was the only celtic godess honored even by the
romans. Under her protection, there were all riding- and loadcarrying-animals aswell as
the farm-labourers, who care for them and feed them. Her symbols are the horse, the
bridle and the wipe.

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NANTOSVELTA - the protector of the homes

Schown with the raven and the house Nantosvelta is the protector of house and farm
in the humansworld, but also she is the protector of the homes in the otherworld. Her
partner is the god Sucellos.

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HERECURA - the godess of death

The deathgodess Herecura or Arricura is the partner of Sucellos. Equal to him she watches
over the dead and the ancestors in the otherworld, over the forces of live and death.

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DAMONA - the godess of healing

Damona, the "big cow" is the continentalceltic godess of life and healing. The romanized
celtic religion puts her on the side of Apoll, who is equal to the celtic Belenus. In the
isleceltic religion she is equal to the english Verbeia or to the irish Boand.

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THE THREE MOTHERS - Godesses of the fruitfulness

The three Mothers, Matres or Matronae are the protection- and fruitfulnessgodesses
of the homes, the farms and the villages. They watch over the paths gone by the people
and protect the traveller against wrong decisions. They protect the fruitfulness of the
fields and the life in the forest, aswell as the life of the mothers during the birth of
their children.

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LOUCETIUS - the shining and NEMETONA - the high-holy one

Loucetius and Nemetona are the clangods of the Treverer-clan. Loucetious is the god, who
protects the clan and frees it from disease, Nemetona is the mothergodess of the clan.
Like her partner Loucetius she also has warlike aspects. As a clangodess originally she
came from the northeastern-gallish Nemeter-clan to the Treverer-land.

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LENUS - the healer

Lenus is clangod and healer of the Treverer-clan. He helps the sick and wounded people
and heals them from their diseases.

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Last Update: 15 April 98

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