[ Informed Resource ][ Political Parties ]

Links to the official web sites for active American political parties.

Sites of Particular Interest

Democratic National Comittee
The official web site of the Democratic party

Republican Party "Main Street"
The official web site of the Republican party

Choices '96 Political Party Resource Page (Raleigh, N.C. News & Observer )
Includes links to additional pages for the Democratic and Republican parties.

Other American Political Partiess

Libertarian Party
Generally conservative party concerned with individual rights

United We Stand America
Fiscally minded, generally conservative party founded by Ross Perot

Natural Law Party
Platform based on applying scientific principles to government

Green Party
Environmentally focused, generally liberal party

Socialist Party
Generally liberal party concernened with workers rights

Communist Party USA
Strongly leftist party concernened with workers rights

Peace and Freedom Party
Generally liberal politics and commentary

See also the Informed ReSource Search Links
Links to a variety of Internet and Web searching tools.

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This page was last updated February 26, 1996